Please complete the following form to obtain access to J.C. Madigan, Inc’s pricing structure for the GBPC 2022 - Aftermarket Equipment contract:

Member of the Greater
Boston Police Council:
Yes No
Your Name
Phone Number
Email Address

Terms & Conditions: I, as an authorized representative for the above named organization, understand and acknowledge that when our organization intends to utilize this contract that such intention must be made known in writing when submitting the initial order to J.C. Madigan, Inc. If J.C. Madigan, Inc. is not informed of an organization’s intention in writing at the time of ordering, the utilization of the contract pricing structure available through the GBPC 2022 - Aftermarket Equipment contract cannot be guaranteed.

I accept the Terms & Conditions as described above.

You will receive an email with the information necessary to access the pricing structure for this contract once your credentials have been reviewed.

The secure access page will have the price book available to download in pdf format.

Dump truck with snowplow

About Us

Family owned and operated since 1955, J.C. Madigan, Inc. has become one of New England’s premier truck equipment distributors. Since the beginning, J.C. Madigan, Inc. has focused on providing its municipal customers with quality products to meet their ever expanding truck equipment needs.

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